Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Floor Done

I finally got the last of the floor tiles down in the sewing room last night. So the hard physical part is done, now comes the difficult mental task of weeding out and organizing what I have. I have been trying to get real serious with myself on just what I really will do something with and what I only have a vague idea or might get to in a hundred years.
More pics will be posted as the room comes together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, if you want to get rid of some fabrics because you don't know where or when you will ever use it~~~let ME have it....I can put it over here with all of my disorganized stash and you won't have to worry about it being unloved, abused or even chopped into ! (& it won't go into shock being transfered from a comfy casual atmosphere to a pristine, rigid over-organized enviroment~LOL!!!)